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On the Ground: Pizza and Professionalism at the Kinsley Engineering Center


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On the Ground: Pizza and Professionalism at the Kinsley Engineering Center

July 14, 2022

At first glance, York College of Pennsylvania may look like a typical campus in a typical college town—but look a little closer, and you’ll discover a community full of hidden (and not-so-hidden) gems. In our On the Ground series, we explore some of YCP’s most beloved places and spaces with help from our own Spartan students.

Civil Engineering major Isabella Lee-Hauser ’23 loves the personal and professional experiences she receives in the Kinsley Engineering Center.

The Pittsburgh native, who is also president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) chapter at York College, appreciates what the Kinsley and Civil Engineering buildings offer her—tutoring in the Kinsley lobby, computer labs, a lounge, and 24/7 access to the building with her card.

“When I'm doing work late at night, I can work in the Engineering building and have a good place to study,” she says. “It’s a quiet place, because we have a computer lab that everyone is pretty quiet in. And there's a bunch of rooms, so if you don't want to share a room with someone you don't really have to.” 

Additionally, as part of her program, the building offers events for students to have professional experiences that are also fun.

“We usually have pizza Fridays,” Isabella says. First, students are served the aforementioned pizza. Then they “get to talk to industry professionals about our career a little bit.”

Isabella also appreciates the connections the Kinsley Engineering building fosters. 

“The engineering building is one of my favorite places, because there's usually always someone there like a friend of mine,” she says. “Even if they're commuters, it’s a good meeting point for everyone. It's also a good meeting point to meet professors.”

Overall, Isabella has had a positive experience in the Kinsley Engineering Center.

“Coming from a larger city, I often am asked why I came to York,” she says. “I never regret my decision, because I really value my one-on-one experiences I have with my professors, and the building, I do think, helps create a more ‘homey’ environment where I can be around friends or have time to relax and study and to meet people quickly.”


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