Outdoor common space with lush green grass, large trees, and green foliage. A modern building and students can be seen in the distance.


Schools of York College

At York, we have five schools that serve as academic hubs of the College. No matter where your path may lead, our schools have a place for you to begin.

Letterpress Studio

School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies

Creativity, exploration, and critical thinking come together to create academic experiences personalized you. With majors ranging from Fine Art to International Relations, the School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies gives you the tools you need to succeed.

Classroom scene with three students using a laptop and notebooks for group work.

School of Behavioral Sciences and Education

Education creates impact every day at York College in community-focused areas of study. Hands-on learning in programs like Psychology and Secondary Education lets you experience what it’s like to work in your field from your very first semester.

Business Professor

Graham School of Business

Become part of the next generation of big thinkers — learn by doing, from the people who do it. Whether you decide to be a business owner or a business leader, the Graham School of Business is the right fit.

finger of circuit board

Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology

Solve the future’s problems today in academic programs built for research and innovation. Experts in their fields lead hand-on learning experiences that help shape the industry’s newest and most promising professionals.

Nursing Labs

Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions

If you have a passion for helping others, York prepares you for everything. State-of-the-art simulation labs propel our nursing students to their future careers. Let us focus on you, so you can focus on others.