
April 2, 2024

Confidential Advocates Now Available To Assist Students Affected by Partner Abuse, Harassment, Sexual Abuse, Stalking, or Violence


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Confidential Advocates Now Available to Assist Students Affected by Partner Abuse, Harassment, Sexual Abuse, Stalking, or Violence

November 06, 2020

Starting this semester, York College has partnered with YWCA / Access York to bring to campus a Confidential Advocate.

For the fall semester, the YWCA York Advocates will be available in the morning from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. on the first and third Friday of the month in Humanities 162. For 24/7 support, there is a hotline that can be reached at 1-800-422-3204. The YWCA York Advocates will begin their time on campus starting October 16, 2020.

A YWCA Advocate can provide confidential support to students, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, creed, etc., who may be experiencing some form of verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, or other form of abuse from a dating partner, or someone that the student is intimately involved with. Services can also be provided when students experience stalking, sexual abuse, harassment or violence.

A YWCA York Advocate can help students to understand what options are available to them on and off campus. Some examples may be:

  • Counseling
  • Making a Report
  • Getting a Medical Exam
  • Or any other number of possible options

A YWCA York Advocate will NOT force a student to choose a specific option, but will provide support to students in making a decision. Students seeking support from a YWCA York Advocate are not required to make a report or commit to any services that have been explained.

Looking for more information? Contact York College's Office of Intercultural Student Life and Global Programming (ISLGP).


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