Preparing you for a lifetime of meaningful careers.
We go hand in hand with your academic development. As a student, we'll help guide you on how your interests, skills, values, and personality aligns with potential career options and then coordinate internships and other skill-building experiences to prepare you for a lifetime of career success. Alumni can tap into our network as they explore the job market and continue to build their professional growth. The opportunities are here. Take advantage and get in touch with us today.
Career Resources
Please read this before submitting an application.
Information for a Three-Credit Internship (Electronic Internship Application)
An internship is an educational experience that offers students the opportunity to earn academic credit for experiential learning. Internships are designed to enhance a student’s professional preparation and career opportunities. The internship must be completed at an approved site where the supervisor has agreed to provide structured learning experiences that will support specific learning objectives, in order to receive credit.
Students must complete an Internship Application and receive final approval from the Dean of their school. Links to the Internship Application are available in Handshake and on the Career Development Center website. Please review details in advance.
Internship Guidelines
- Students must successfully have completed 60 credits
- Students must have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA
- Minimum of 120 hours is required to earn 3 internship credits; students are limited to 2 different internships for a maximum of 6 credit hours of Internship in their degree program
- The Internship for Academic Credit application that is initiated by the student and requires action and response from the student, faculty advisor, internship site, and Dean of the School, must be completed by all parties prior to the Add/Drop deadline for the appropriate semester.
*Please remember until a final confirmation email to the YCP Email is received the internship has not been approved.
Process for Internship Application and Approval
NOTE: Internship Applications for Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Psychology will use a different process for 2025. Students, access your Handshake account > Career Center > Experiences section to create an Experience/Internship Application. Contact Career Development at 717-815-1452, careerdevelopment@ycp.edu or visit Campbell Hall 200 with any questions.
All other majors should use the following process.
Once an internship has been secured, students should follow the steps below:
- Contact your faculty advisor to discuss and determine appropriate Learning Objectives and Learning Activities for the internship experience.
- Obtain an electronic syllabus from your faculty advisor.
- Complete the Internship for Academic Credit Application for the appropriate academic term. Once submitted by the student, the Application will be sent electronically to the student, faculty advisor, and the site supervisor for their agreement and response.
- After all parties agree and respond to the application the materials are submitted to the appropriate Dean of the School for review and approval.
- After Career Development receives the Dean’s approval, the internship will be added to the student’s course schedule for the appropriate academic term and the student will be notified. Please note that all outstanding financial obligations including those for the internship must be taken care of before the internship will be added to the student schedule.
Please note:
- It is the student’s responsibility to facilitate the internship application process through receipt of the confirmation email.
- The email address internship@ycp.edu should be used for any correspondence regarding internships.
- Remember that the completed Internship Application, including the proposed Learning Agreement and related agreements, must be received by Career Development on or before the last day to add a course for the semester (Drop/Add Deadline).
Are you a motivated college student who wants to gain new professional skills and experiences? Are you looking for a short-term experience without the commitment of a 12-week internship? Want to be paid for your time and hard work?
A micro-internship might be perfect for you!
These year-round, short-term, paid professional projects allow you to build your skills while exploring career paths and building your network.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
The York College Career Development Center adheres to applicable federal and state EEO laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines, and offers employment information without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. The Career Development Center works only with those employers who abide by EEO guidelines.
Overview of Employer Recruitment Policies
All of the York College of Pennsylvania policies and guidelines have been informed and developed in accordance with the Principles for Ethical Professional Practice set forth by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). The York College Career Development Center is committed to ensuring that the recruitment experience with our campus is a positive and fair process, which includes maintaining a fair and equitable recruitment process as well as supporting our students in making informed and responsible decisions regarding their future employment.
Employer Policy
Recruiters are welcome on campus when sponsored by Career Development or another department and are required to adhere to all campus policies, including the College’s no solicitation policy. This policy applies to businesses and students selling to and/or recruiting other students. Any employer seeking an opportunity to hire students for these purposes will not be permitted to post opportunities or have access to students. This also applies to email blasts, posters, flyers, and other efforts to reach York College students and faculty. In addition, recruiters may not enter classrooms to distribute materials or make presentations without prior approval from the professor of the class you wish to enter.
Career Development strives to accommodate employers to the best of our ability; however, we do not guarantee room availability, audience attendance, or classroom visitation opportunities.
Career Development encourages students to consider all types of career opportunities and does not endorse specific companies or organizations. While offering its services to serve as a liaison between students and off-campus employers, Career Development makes no guarantees regarding the qualifications and/or credentials of York College students and alumni who utilize Handshake.
Career Development reserves the right to limit or revoke recruiting privileges on campus or within Handshake to any employer that violates any of the stated recruiting policies.
Handshake Policy
Employers must not impose fees, upfront costs, or initial monetary investments upon students and alumni in order to become an employee of the organization. This does not include industry or occupational licensure fees that may need to be covered by the employee (e.g., insurance, real estate, etc.). Positions that require participants to raise their own financial support must clearly specify this within the job description.
Employers offering full-time positions must offer a salary or a salary with commission. Positions CANNOT be commission-only.
Private homes, teaching English abroad agencies, and home-based businesses are currently ineligible to participate in any recruiting services on campus, including posting on Handshake. Employers are encouraged to utilize sites such as Care.com, Urban Sitter, and other reputable apps when seeking individuals to hire for home-based positions (e.g., babysitting, tutoring, pet care, yard work, etc.)
Third-party agencies approved for Handshake may only post for positions within their own organization. Third-party agencies may not refer resumes from Handshake to any other employer or client unless permission from the student or alumni is explicitly and voluntarily given.
Cannabis companies are not eligible to post on Handshake. Since York College receives federal funding, the college must be in compliance with federal law which states that marijuana use is illegal. In addition, the use of marijuana violates the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act and is banned on campus. Cannabis companies approved for federal research may reach out to Career Development to learn more about the cannabinoid chemistry program on our campus.
The Career Development Center reserves the right to edit, delete, or refuse any job, internship, or volunteer posting.
Third-Party Recruiting Policy
Third-party recruiters, temp agencies, and staffing services firms may be eligible to participate in on-campus recruiting services by adhering to the following college policies:
- Third-party recruiters must abide by all policies stated above including EEO and NACE’s Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.
- Third-party recruiters will provide information about their operations, services, and candidate review processes to Career Development when requested.
- If approved to post, all positions posted on Handshake must be for their own organization’s hiring needs (e.g., recruiter, office administrator, etc.).
- Students/alumni may not be charged a fee or upfront costs for the third-party recruiter’s services or to apply to any position.
- Third-party recruiters may not use any résumés obtained from Handshake for referral to any other employer or client unless permission from the student or alumni is explicitly and voluntarily given.
Job and Internship Searching Information
For informational packets on the following topics, please go to your MyYCP account and click the "H" icon for Handshake. All packets are available in the Resources area.
- Writing Successful Résumé and Cover Letters
- Educators Information Packet
- Job and Internship Packet
- Online Job Safety Tips
- Interviewing Skills
- Dressing to Impress
York College students and alumni are invited to attend our annual Career Expo, employer meet-ups, and consortium school events. Details and more information can be located on Handshake.
General Information and Resources
If you are considering graduate school, a great place to start is by reviewing the Graduate School packet. Go to your MyYCP portal page and click the "H" icon to access Handshake. The packet is in Resources.
In addition, two excellent web-based resources that you may want to review are petersons.com and gradschools.com.
The Career Development Center also offers feedback on personal statements. Either schedule an appointment through Handshake or drop off your documents in person (CH 200) or via email (careerdevelopment@ycp.edu), and we will critique it within 48 business hours.
Graduate School Entrance Examinations - visit these websites for more information:
- Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
- Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
- Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
- Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
Pre-Law Information
- Preparing for Law School Packet is located in Handshake. Go to your MyYCP portal page and click the "H" icon. The packet is in Resources.
- Info for Law School web pages via the Department of History and Political Science
- Pre-Law Interest Group
Major/Career Choice
- Candid Career – Watch brief videos of professionals discussing various occupations as well as offering career advice.
- FOCUS – Discover academic and occupational options consistent with your interests, personality, skills, and values. When creating your account, enter the following access code: ycp397
- What Can I Do with This Major? – Identify career areas, employers, and résumé-building strategies associated with practically any major
- O*NET – Learn about specific careers in terms of skills, knowledge, technology, activities, environment, salary, outlook, etc.
- Choosing a Major – Review this packet in Handshake for helpful information on specific majors. Go to your MyYCP portal page and click the Handshake icon. The packet is located in Resources.
Contact Us
Career Development Center
Campbell Hall, Room 200
Phone: 717.815.1452
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday until 6 p.m.