Are you concerned about a student?
The York College CARE Team
Our CARE team works with various departments on campus to assist students with medical, social, and academic concerns. The team works to connect with students of concern to provide individualized resources and support for their personal and professional success. We're here for whatever you or a friend needs to be in the best possible position for success and wellness.

Submit a Student Concern
How You Can Help Someone Else
Information provided on the form will be sent to the appropriate College official for further review and follow-up. Privacy will be maintained throughout the outreach and connection process. Your name will be submitted along with the information you provide. This report is used to report non-emergency information. Please provide clear and detailed information. Common CARE concerns include, but are not limited to:
- Mental Health
- Physical Health
- Wellness
- Class Attendance
- Academic Challenges
- Student Accessibility Needs
- Social Connections
- Peer Relationships
- College Involvement
- Transition to College
Note: We take all concerns seriously. An inquiry normally begins within 48 hours of submission.
What You Should Do If...
If you feel threatened or are concerned about someone's immediate health, safety, or welfare, call Campus Safety at 717.815.1314. They can work with you to assess the situation and determine if immediate action is necessary or if a referral to the Office of Residence Life 717.815.1281 is appropriate.
If you are concerned about someone's behavior or have information about a student that causes you concern, please call the Office of Student Affairs at 717.815.1461 or the Office of Residence Life at 717.815.1281. The Dean of Student Development and Campus Life or The Office of Residence Life can work with you to determine the next appropriate step(s) which may include a referral to Health Services 717.849.1615 option 3, Counseling Services 717.815.6437, the CARE team, or other campus/community resources.
Students can be referred to the CARE team via professors, Campus Safety officers, resident assistants, dining staff, academic advisers, parents, etc. The concerns shared could be behavioral, medical, personal, or academic. The CARE team can be e-mailed directly at Care@ycp.edu.
If you are a student and would like to CONFIDENTIALLY discuss a concern, please contact Counseling Services at 717.815.6437. Discussing an issue with the Counseling Services is NOT considered an official report.
All About the Referral Process
- A decline in academic performance
- Dramatic changes in behavior
- Weight gain or weight loss
- Slurred speech or confused thinking
- Sleeping in class
- Poor personal hygiene
- Repeated hangover or other signs of drug or alcohol use
- Sadness, anxiety, irritability, depression, poor concentration
- Over-dependence on you
- Erratic emotional reactions
- Overt references to suicide or harming others
- Is the main focus of other student's complaints or concerns
- Repeatedly requests deadline extensions or begins missing classes/meetings
- Alludes to harassment or assault
- Repeatedly violates community norms of behavior
- Disrupts class
Knowing where to refer to students is sometimes difficult, as academic, behavioral, and psychiatric problems often come together. If someone's life is threatened, in which case you should dial 911, you can refer a student to Counseling or Academic Advising, who can then initiate other referrals, if necessary. To make you referrals you should:
- Tell students that "there are several places you can go on campus for help, including the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life, Academic Advising, and Counseling Services."
- Reassure the student that it is an act of strength to ask for help after all. It's a lot easier to avoid facing problems.
- Dismiss the myth that only "weak or crazy" people turn to others for help. In fact many students use Counseling Services every year. That doesn't include the students who go elsewhere on campus for help.
- If you refer students to Counseling Services, remind them that counseling services are free and confidential: they are NOT part of the student's academic record.
- Offer to help make the initial contact with the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life, Office of Residence Life, Academic Advising, or Counseling Services: you can make a phone call together to set up an appointment or walk the student to the appropriate office.
While you don't want to intrude into a student's personal life, it's OK to follow up later (and may make the student feel better) by saying something like, "I hope you're doing better these days."