Becoming an Intern
Please read the guidelines and process information below before submitting your application.
The internship must be completed at an approved site where the supervisor has agreed to provide structured learning experiences that support specific learning objectives to receive credit. Students must complete an Internship Application and receive final approval from the Dean of their School.
Internship Applications for Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Psychology will use a different process for 2025. Students, access your Handshake account > Career Center > Experiences section to create an Experience/Internship Application. Contact Career Development at 717-815-1452, careerdevelopment@ycp.edu or visit Campbell Hall 200 with any questions.
Information for a Three-Credit Internship
- Students must successfully have completed 60 credits
- Students must have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA
- A minimum of 120 hours is required to earn 3 internship credits; students are limited to 2 different internships for a maximum of 6 credit hours of Internship in their degree program
- The Internship for Academic Credit application that is initiated by the student and requires action and response from the student, faculty advisor, internship site, and Dean of the School must be completed by all parties prior to the Add/Drop deadline for the appropriate semester.
*Please remember until a final confirmation email to the YCP Email is received the internship has not been approved.
Once an internship has been secured, students should follow the steps below:
- Contact your faculty advisor to discuss and determine appropriate Learning Objectives and Learning Activities for the internship experience.
- Obtain an electronic syllabus from your faculty advisor.
- Complete the Internship for Academic Credit Application for the appropriate academic term. Once submitted by the student, the Application will be sent electronically to the student, faculty advisor, and the site supervisor for their agreement and response.
- After all parties agree and respond to the application the materials are submitted to the appropriate Dean of the School for review and approval.
- After Career Development receives the Dean’s approval, the internship will be added to the student’s course schedule for the appropriate academic term and the student will be notified. Please note that all outstanding financial obligations including those for the internship must be taken care of before the internship will be added to the student schedule.
Please note:
- It is the student’s responsibility to facilitate the internship application process through receipt of the confirmation email.
- The email address internship@ycp.edu should be used for any correspondence regarding internships.
- Remember that the completed Internship Application, including the proposed Learning Agreement and related agreements, must be received by Career Development on or before the last day to add a course for the semester (Drop/Add Deadline).
Contact Us
Career Development Center
Campbell Hall, Room 200
Phone: 717.815.1452
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday until 6 p.m.