Spartans Preventing, Educating, Advocating, and Knowing (S.P.E.A.K.)
York College of Pennsylvania believes that prevention is a crucial part of changing society’s rape culture. At YCP educational awareness and training is integral in starting this culture change. YCP has a comprehensive violence prevention initiative called S.P.E.A.K., which stands for Spartans Preventing, Educating, Advocating, and Knowing what to do to end sexual violence in our community. YCP’s S.P.E.A.K. initiative houses a variety of training for faculty, staff, and students, as well as awareness initiatives and prevention programming. S.P.E.A.K. partners with several departments on campus and local resources.
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Available Programming
Step Up! is a prosocial behavior and bystander intervention program that educates students to be proactive in helping others.
The goals of Step Up! are to:
- Raise awareness of helping behaviors
- Increase motivation to help
- Develop skills and confidence when responding to problems or concerns
- Ensure the safety and well-being of self and others
The 101 level of sexual violence and how to be a positive change in a society that normalizes violence. We review national statistics, what’s going on at York College, and any nuances depending on who we’re talking to. We’ll look at how rape culture is so pervasive in the media and how we can make small changes with a big impact to change those statistics to statistics of hope!
An interactive scenario-based training that allows students to experience another perspective and make choices in realistic violence-based situations. Scenarios include sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking situations with real-life applications to resources and bystander intervention tips.
A powerful video and facilitated discussion that’s a great tool to educate on the importance of healthy relationships, awareness of disturbing signs, and the inspiration to act when needed. One Love Foundation focuses on ending relationship violence specifically on college campuses and has a variety of resources available at joinonelove.org.
The next step in sexual violence training, take a deeper look at the main issues and strategies for prevention. Use from the following module options and go beyond the statistics and definitions to look at the root of violence and explore how the active bystander approach can really empower a person to make an impact in their sphere of influence. T-shirt provided for participants who complete the training!
Build your training with one or a combo of the following:
How to Support a Survivor
- Respond to individuals in crisis
- Show support and care to survivors on their path to healing
- Use resources available both on/off campus
Alcohol and Sexual Assault
- Alcohol can affect a person’s ability and awareness
- Alcohol can increase the likelihood of assault
- Positive choices can alter consequences and prevent violence
Gotta Get Consent
- To learn what consent is and how to give or ask for it
- To create boundaries and awareness of personal space
- To identify harmful myths and misconceptions about consent within our society
Violence and Technology
- Awareness and safety when using technology
- Red flags/potentially violent situations in online media
- Definitions of stalking, control, and power
Men Preventing Violence
- How rape culture portrays men
- Strategies men can use to combat this negative perspective and end violence in their spheres of influence
- Male victimization and resources available to help this underreported issue
Sexual Violence in the Black Community
- Statistics and facts about higher victimization rates
- How systems of oppression and racism affect sexual violence
- Resources that are available on and off campus
Sexual Violence and the LGBTQ Community
- Statistics and facts about higher victimization rates
- How systems of oppression against gender identity affect sexual violence
- Resources that are available on- and off-campus