The pulse of the campus.
There barely seems to be a day that goes on campus that doesn't involve Campus Activities Board in some fashion. Our students are constantly buzzing around the York College campus and community, where they are organizing and setting up events, publicizing upcoming activities, working with entertainers, and more.
We do everything to enrich and promote social interaction and involvement in an innovative way. Simply put, we want you to have fun, meet new friends, have memorable experiences, and hopefully learn new things and hear new ideas, all while feeling closer to the York College community. From huge musical acts — recent performers have gone on to receive Grammy nominations and become national headliners — to coffeehouse scenes, we're always looking for ways to add to your enjoyment on campus.
Meanwhile, CAB serves as an ideal training ground for our members to enhance leadership skills, practice event planning, and help bridge the different organizations and offices around campus. We're everywhere!

What is Campus Activities Board?
CAB is a standing committee of the Student Senate. We have eight Executive Chairs. They oversee the seven CAB subcommittees that cover all of the various event categories on campus, as well as the vice president of CAB, who serves as an executive cabinet member of Student Senate. We always appreciate feedback on our events or ideas about what to do next!