Questions About the Transfer Process?
We're thrilled you are considering transferring to York College to complete your degree.
We know it can seem daunting to transfer and transition to a new college. That's why we developed the Transfer Resource Center: to help you navigate the transfer process as seamlessly as possible and settle in once you're here.
Official transfer evaluations are processed in the Registrar's Office. If you have any further questions about your credit evaluation, please contact Transfer Admissions at 717.815.1284.
Making the Transition Simple from Day One
What should you do first? Who should you speak to? There are a lot of questions, so please look through the following tabs. You’ll find answers to many of your most burning questions.
The Net Price Calculator will estimate your eligibility for financial aid and show how your cost of attending an affordable college may be reduced with scholarships, grants and student loans. Your “net price” is the difference between the cost of attendance (tuition, room, board, etc.) and your financial aid.
The calculator is based on answers to some basic questions about your parents’ financial situation, so it may be helpful to have recent tax forms or pay stubs before you begin. Completing the calculator will take about 20 minutes. The calculator is designed to give you and your family an early estimate of financial aid. To receive an actual financial aid award you must be accepted for admission and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The York College Financial Aid Office will process your actual financial aid award.
The calculator will estimate financial aid for transfer students who are U.S citizens. International students should contact the York College Financial Aid Office for more information about financial aid.
York College reviews courses for transfer credit for all modes of delivery from all regionally accredited institutions.
Transfer credit is posted from official transcript(s) only. See the college’s official transcript policy for more information.
Transfer credit is posted for students who have matriculated to the college. We cannot award transfer credit after degree completion or if a student is no longer matriculated with the college.
Lab sciences without the lecture portion do not transfer.
Students who transfer in 30 credits or more at the time of admission to the college will be waived from the First Year Seminar (FYS) requirement. The waiver applies to the requirement for graduation but does not waive the credits to graduate; students need to meet the overall bachelors degree credit requirement. Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Dual Enrollment credit does not count toward the FYS waiver. Veterans must take FYS 100.
Students who transfer in 60 credits or more at the time of admission to the college will be waived from the Constellation requirement, except Education majors. The waiver applies to the requirement for graduation but does not waive the credits to graduate; students need to meet the overall bachelors degree credit requirement.
Veterans who submit a Joint Services Transfer (JST) will receive credit for General Education Foundations: American Citizenship. Veterans who submit a JST and have been deployed will receive credit for General Education Foundations: Global Citizenship.
Beginning in Fall 2020, YCP offers a comprehensive general education transfer* for students with an Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), Associate Degree in Nursing (A.D.N.), Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.), or Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.) degree or other college transfer associate degrees from a regionally accredited institution.
*Students will need to consult the program advisor and course catalog regarding coursework and GPA requirements for specific majors and all programs leading to licensure/certification as some of these requirements are covered in general education courses. This applies to all Education students and students in programs requiring general education courses as part of the major requirements.
Students cannot receive transfer credit for a course that has already been taken at York College.
In accordance with AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrar and Admissions Officers) guidelines, transfer credits will be awarded as they are comparable and appropriate to the academic programs and general education requirements of York College. Credits may vary in how they are applied to satisfy degree requirements.
A maximum of 75 credits will be accepted from two-year colleges. Students must complete the last 30 credit hours in residence at York College to be eligible for a degree.
York College alumni who wish to enroll in the RN-BSN program may count credits earned at YCP towards the residency requirement for their BSN under the following circumstances: (1) the only credits earned by the student after graduation from an undergraduate program at YCP were counted towards an Associates' degree in Nursing, (2) if the student received a residency waiver as an undergraduate, only those courses taken at YCP after the most recent transfer credits will count towards the BSN degree, and (3) students need to complete at least 18 additional YCP credits as part of the RN-BSN program.
York College awards credit but not quality points for transfer work. Transfer grades are not computed into the cumulative grade point average except in the calculation of graduation honors.
Courses transferring as electives (1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX) may transfer as specific courses. Please see the appropriate academic department for further information if you believe that these elective courses are equivalent to a York College course.
The following courses will not transfer:
Grades of Pass/Fail, “NC”, "D", "F", "W", "Inc", "Au" or "In Progress"
Continuing education units (CEU's)
Technical courses such as agriculture, electronics, drafting, dental hygiene, paralegal, EMT, etc
Remedial courses typically numbered from 000 to 099 and include English, math, reading and study skills courses.
If the Advanced Placement and/or CLEP credits are listed on another college's transcript for credit, we require an official copy of the score reports for York College to evaluate.
The World Education Services must evaluate credentials from all foreign universities. Forms are available at www.wes.org.
York College has formal articulation agreements with a selection of other schools to ensure a smooth transfer of credits into a York College degree program.
Additionally, York College articulates coursework from all regionally accredited institutions. Please review our Transfer Course Equivalencies for information on over 90 of our frequent transfer credit institutions.
If you have questions about transfer credits or a specific college/university, please contact the Registrar's Office at 717.815.1273 or registrar@ycp.edu.
Transferring Dual Enrollment Credits to York College
York College transfers in credit from all regionally accredited institutions. If you completed a Dual Enrollment program through an accredited college while in high school, we will review this for transfer credit. Please submit an official college transcript to the York College Admissions Office as part of your application process to have your credits reviewed. Your official transcript can be mailed to:
York College Admissions
441 Country Club Road
York, PA 17403
If you have any questions about how your courses may transfer to York, please visit our Transfer Course Equivalencies page.
There are four requirements:
- First Year Seminar: a course introducing students to higher education and how to be successful as a student. This course is waived for all students who transfer in with 30 credits at the time of admission. Waiving this credit may require additional coursework to make up the credits. Students must work with their Academic Advisor to determine the requirements.
- Foundations: Communication, Advanced Communication, Quantitative Fluency, American Citizenship, and Global Citizenship. Students choose one course from each of these five areas. Specific requirements for this area may be satisfied by major. Please consult with your Academic Advisor for specific requirements as they relate to Foundations.
- Disciplinary Perspectives: Humanities, Arts, Social/Behavioral Sciences, and Natural/Physical Sciences. Students choose one course from each of these four areas. Specific requirements for this area may be satisfied by your major. Please consult with your Academic Advisor for specific requirements as they relate to Disciplinary Perspectives.
- Constellation: a requirement where a student chooses one of 12 topics and must complete 12 credits within the chosen area. Education majors are required to complete the constellation "Transformation: Children, the Family and Development Across the Lifespan." Students must take four courses (12 credits) from at least three separate subject areas. *Note: The constellation requirement is waived for students transferring in with 60 or more credits at the time of admission.
Phi Theta Kappa has recognized York College as one of 40 top colleges and universities as members of the inaugural Excellence in Community College Transfer Honor Roll. Colleges are selected for creating dynamic pathways to support community college transfers and offer exemplary programs, initiatives, and benefits for students. Phi Theta Kappa is the oldest, largest and most prestigious honor society recognizing students pursuing two-year degrees.
Advanced Placement and college credit may be granted to entering students who perform satisfactorily on one or more of the following:
- College Board Advanced Placement Examinations
- College Level Examination Program® (CLEP)
- American College Testing/PEP examination
- Other proficiency tests that have been approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs and the chair of the department
- Examination for a course (If a student believes that the has sufficient knowledge based on previous experience, training, and background, they may petition the department chair to be given a suitable examination for the course desired)
Advanced Placement
The following regulations apply to students who earn credit and/or advanced standing:
- The Department Chair or the student may initiate procedures resulting in credit or advanced standing for a course.
- College credit will be granted to entering freshmen who earn scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the individual subject tests of the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations.
- AP Equivalencies for which credit and/or advanced placement has been granted will be noted on the transcript and will represent credit for, or a waiver of, a specific course, whichever is appropriate.
- The maximum number of credits which any one person may earn by advanced placement and/or credit by examination is 60 for the Baccalaureate Degreeand 30 for the Associate Degree.
- The department chair and Dean of Academic Affairs will determine what is a satisfactory score on performance tests used by the College other than the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations, College Level Examination Program, and the American College Testing/PEP examinations.
International Baccalaureate Credit
The International Baccalaureate is a non-profit educational foundation founded in 1968 in Geneva, Switzerland and is a demanding pre-university course of study designed for highly motivated high school students. The program was designed to establish a common curriculum and university entry credential for students moving from one country to another. International educators believe students should share an academic experience emphasizing critical thinking, intercultural understanding, and exposure to a variety of points of view.
The Diploma Program for students ages 16 to 19 is a comprehensive and challenging pre-university course of study, leading to examinations demanding the best from motivated students and teachers. This program is widely recognized for its high academic standards.
- The two-year curriculum is rigorous and intellectually coherent, encouraging critical thinking through the study of a wide range of subjects in the traditional academic disciplines while encouraging an international perspective.
- Beyond completing college-level courses and examinations, Diploma Program students are also required to engage in community service, individual research, and an inquiry into the nature of knowledge.
- The two-year course of study leads to final examinations in six subject areas and a qualification widely recognized by the world's leading colleges and universities.
York College recognizes the quality of the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The college awards one course credit in each subject for higher-level examination scores of five or higher.
English A: Language and Literature Higher Level requires a score of 6 or better.
York College offers several math courses tailored to prepare you for the quantitative activities you will pursue in your major. The mathematics placement assessments are designed to help determine which math course is right for you. Students may need to complete the math placement assessments before they can schedule classes.
Which math assessment do I take?
All majors (including Undeclared) will take the Algebra Assessment. However, you only need to take the Calculus Assessment if you are currently declared or interested in declaring one of the following majors:
- Chemistry
- Forensic Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Cybersecurity Management
- Engineering Management
- Mathematics
- Mid-Level Education Mathematics
- Secondary Education Biology
- Secondary Education General Science
- Secondary Education Mathematics
What to expect with the assessment
Each assessment has 33 questions and you will have 180 minutes to complete each test. If you need, you may take an assessment a total of two (2) times. A calculator may be used during the assessment.
If you are interrupted or lose internet service, you'll be able to resume where you left off as long as you log back into the assessment within the same day.
How can I take the assessment?
- Go to the Stemify website to take the exam. Click on YCP.
- Enter your MyYCP username and password.
- The menu located in the upper left corner of your screen will provide you access to the Learning Library (available for you to review many relevant math concepts that will help you to be successful) and the Placement tests.
What if I need help?
For technical support (trouble accessing the test, problems during the test), please reach out to support@stemify.ai
For advising-related questions, please contact the Academic Advising Center at 717.815.1531 or academicadvising@ycp.edu.
Contact Us
Transfer Resource Center
Erica Schieler
Associate Director of Transfer Admissionss
Sueann Robbins
Director of Graduate and Transfer Admissions
Registrar's Office