RAD Training

RAD Training

The RAD system of personal safety education involves a practical blend of threat avoidance strategies and real-world assault resistance tactics for women.

The RAD system of personal safety education involves a practical blend of threat avoidance strategies and real-world assault resistance tactics for women. The focus of instruction is on the development of easily mastered personal safety skills which are practiced within a comfortable learning environment, and the coupling of those physical skills with a threat assessment process which will increase personal safety awareness. The simulation training process involves an instructor outfitted in a protective suit and involves simulation of a real attack.

Class #1: Reserved for College students and staff; extra spaces can be used for community members if available.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023Grumbacher 2406:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Wednesday, June 14, 2023Grumbacher 2616:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Thursday, June 15, 2023Grumbacher 2616:30 pm to 9:30pm

It is suggested, but not required, to attend all three sessions to get the most benefit from the training.

Class #2: Open to the community.

 No classes are currently scheduled 

It is suggested, but not required, to attend all four sessions to get the most benefit from the training.

  RAD Registration Form
  • Self defense is a set of awareness, assertiveness and verbal confrontation skills.
  • Safety strategies and physical techniques are taught to enable you to avoid, escape, resist and survive a variety of attacks.
  • Self defense courses provide personal safety awareness, verbal skills and increase self-confidence; not just physical training!