Rory Kraft, Ph.D.

School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies
Wolf Hall, Room 206A
Contact Information
Meet Rory Kraft
- B.A., Arizona State University (1997)
- M.A., American University (2001)
- Ph.D., Michigan State University (2006)
- Member of American Philosophical Association’s Committee on Pre-College Philosophy, 2007 – 2010
- Advisory Board member for "Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism," by Russell Howard, and James Forest, McGraw-Hill, 2009 –
- Introduction to Philosophy; Contemporary Moral Problems
- Critical Thinking; Logic
- Ethics and Applied Ethics
- Aesthetics
- Race, Gender, and Sexuality
Research Interests
- Ethical Theory and Applied Ethics
- 19th and 20th Century Western Philosophy
- Philosophy with children
- Aesthetics/Philosophy of Art
- Winter Commencement Speaker, York College of Pennsylvania, 2008
- Multiple research fellowships (1999 – American University, 2005 – Michigan State, 2009 & 2011 – York College of Pennsylvania)
Recent Publications
- Kraft, Rory. “How Children Made Me a Better Philosopher.” Philosophy Now, no. 84. May/June 2011. 24 – 26.
- “Watson’s a Liar!” In Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy, ed. Josef Steiff. Chicago: Open Court Press, 2011. 179 – 188.
- Kraft, Rory. “It Gets Through Buckner! Forgiveness, Virtue, and Red Sox Nation.” In Red Sox and Philosophy, ed. Michael Macomber. Chicago: Open Court Press, 2010. 95 – 104.
- Kraft, Rory. “Why I Signed, and Why I Would do it Again.” American Journal of Bioethics. Vol. 10, no. 9. September, 2010. 62 – 63.
- Member of York Hospital’s Bioethics Committee, 2006 - current