Supporting a Safe Campus Community
Safety is a priority at York College. The Department of Campus Safety is committed to helping students and employees feel comfortable on campus, while providing resources for crime prevention and reporting when needed.
As a first step, every member of the YCP community should sign up for emergency alerts. This ensures that you will receive prompt emails, calls, and/or texts in the event of an emergency on campus.
Students, faculty, and staff are also encouraged to download the LiveSafe app. The LiveSafe app allows you to share safety concerns and information directly with Campus Safety, receive emergency alerts, request an escort from Campus Safety for safe walking, and share your location with friends.
Safety Services on Campus
Emergency Call Boxes
Emergency call boxes are located throughout campus. Pushing the call button puts the caller in immediate contact with the Campus Safety dispatcher or supervisor on duty.
Campus Escort Program
Anyone who feels uncomfortable walking to their vehicle or between facilities in the evening should call 717.815.1314 or use an emergency call box to request an escort from Campus Safety. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Escorts to the York Hospital emergency room or Urgent Care for medical emergencies are also available.
Operation ID
Stop by the Campus Safety office (Manor Northeast lobby) to borrow an engraver to etch your driver's license number and state onto property like cell phones, laptops, tablets, speakers, televisions, and more. Valuables that have been given a permanent identifying mark are less likely to be stolen and are easier to identify and recover.
Lost and Found
York College's Lost and Found is managed by Campus Safety. Every effort will be made to return found property to its rightful owner. However, it is your responsibility to claim items within six months. Claiming your property will require a valid photo ID.
Anonymous Tips and Crime Reporting
The Spartans Watch program provides an opportunity for members of the campus community to provide information about a crime or potential crime. Revealing your identity is completely optional. This form should not be used for crimes in progress — in an emergency, call 911 or contact Campus Safety at 717.815.1314.
Emergency Alert System and the LiveSafe App
York College's Emergency Alert System enhances campus-wide communications through instant, mass notification. Alerts are only sent during an unlikely, imminent campus threat, such as an active shooter or major weather emergency.
Create Your Emergency Alerts Account
- Visit the Blackboard Connect portal and select Sign Me Up! (By following this link, you agree to the Blackboard Terms of Use.)
- Enter the requested information.
- Select Continue.
- In the email account you entered, find the Blackboard Connect: Account Activation message and follow the link provided.
- Choose and answer your security questions. Then, click Save.
Set Up Your Account
- Log into your account and enter your 9-digit college ID number (e.g., 90#######). Then select Submit.
- Next, enter your ycp.edu email address and select Submit.
- Please use your college email, not a phone number.
- If the system is "unable to verify your relationship," contact LTS for assistance.
- Select Associate
- Verify your pre-loaded data and select Next.
- Add additional ways to contact you, if desired. Select Next.
- If you wish to receive outreach messages in addition to emergency communications, keep it checked. Then select Next.
- Review your selections, then click Done.
You should receive a confirmation email and text message if the process has been properly completed.
Note: New incoming students may not be able to create an account until the semester begins.
It is your responsibility to keep your contact information up to date in the Emergency Alert System.
To edit your contact info:
- Visit the Blackboard Connect portal and log in.
- Select Edit Contact Information.
- Follow the prompts to add your preferred contact methods.
The Emergency Alert System is a voluntary service, powered by Blackboard Connect. You may opt in or out at any time.
- To opt in, text "subscribe ycp" to 23177.
- To opt out, text "stop ycp" to 23177
The Emergency Alert System will only send emergency messages and test messages (once per semester) to ensure everything is working properly. No advertisements or non-emergency alerts will be sent to you.
Your account remains active while you are continuously enrolled in classes. It will be deleted one semester after your graduation (or if you take a break from classes for more than one semester).
- If you graduate in May or August, your account will be deleted on February 1 of the following year.
- If you graduate in December, your account will be deleted on June 1 of the following year.
You are responsible for any text message and/or roaming charges from your wireless service provider.
York College offers the Emergency Alert System in accordance with the Blackboard Terms of Use (TOU). The College offers this service as a voluntary opt-in service for students and employees. Responsibility for entering contact information and the accuracy of contact information is the responsibility of the user entering the data and is not the responsibility of York College. There are no warranties or guarantees made as to the emergency alert information reaching the contact points entered by the user.
There is no charge to the user for this service other than the cellular roaming or text message costs associated with delivering emergency messages to telephones. The Messaging Services facilitate the dissemination of messages via varying communication media.
The user's primary recourse in the event of any actual or potential threat to person or property should be to contact First Responders such as, for example, purposes only, 911, fire, police, emergency medical, and public health. The Messaging Services are intended to augment First Responder services that have already been notified and deployed and are not designed for use in high risk activities or in any other situation where failure of the Messaging Services could lead to death, personal injury, or damage to property, or where other substantial damage could result if an error occurred.
York College will use other forms of emergency notification to augment the Blackboard Connect system.
York College provides all students, faculty, and staff with the LiveSafe app — a safety tool that provides a quick, convenient, and discreet way to communicate with York College Campus Safety.
How to Use LiveSafe
- Share info: Easily share safety information and concerns directly to York College Campus Safety using text, picture, and video
- Stay up-to-date: Receive important alerts and notifications from York College Campus Safety, and access important phone numbers and safety resources
- Request an escort: Request an in-person escort from York College Campus Safety to safely get you where you need to go
- Share your location: Share your location with safety officials in an emergency, or use location-tracking with friends, family, and colleagues for everyday safety
Set Up Your LiveSafe App
- Download “LiveSafe” in the App Store or on Google Play. Be sure to enable location services and push notifications when prompted.
- Sign up using your mobile phone number.
- Create a password and fill in your name.
- Add your email address to your profile (Left Menu > Settings > Profile).
Victim and Witness Information
A crime of any type perpetrated against or witnessed by someone can often be a traumatic event. These resources are meant to help victims and witnesses understand their rights and to provide information about the legal process in Pennsylvania.
Anyone who is the victim of or witness to a crime should contact Campus Safety (717.815.1314 or ext. 1314 from an on-campus phone) immediately.
Pennsylvania has a victim bill of rights that is part of the Crime Victims Act. The act outlines what the Commonwealth and its employees can provide assistance.
As a victim of crime in Pennsylvania you have the following rights:
- To receive basic information concerning the services available
- In personal injury crimes, to be notified of the arrest of the suspect or the suspect's escape from police custody;
- To be accompanied at all public criminal proceedings by a family member, a victim advocate or another person;
- In case of personal injury crimes, burglary, or driving under the influence involving bodily injury, to submit a prior comment to the prosecutor's office on the potential reduction or dropping of any charge or changing of a plea, if the victim so requests;
- To offer a prior comment or to submit a written impact statement for the judge's consideration at sentencing;
- To obtain restitution to the extent possible, including compensation through the State Crime Victim's Compensation program;
- Upon request, where the offender is sentenced to state prison, to provide prior comment on and to receive notice of release decisions, and to be immediately notified if the offender escapes;
- Upon request, in personal injury crimes, where the offender is sentenced to a local correctional facility, to receive notification of any release or escape of the offender, in addition to any relevant conditions imposed prior to release;
- Upon prior request, to receive notice when an offender is committed to a mental health facility from state prison and of the discharge, transfer or escape of the offender from the mental health facility, and;
- Upon request, to have assistance in the preparation of, submission of and follow-up on the financial assistance claims for the state Victims' Compensation Fund.
Counseling Services
Phone: 717.815.6437
Email: counselingservices@ycp.edu
Health Services
Phone: 717.849.1615
Email: healthcenter@ycp.edu
Student Conduct
Phone: 717.815.1281
Email: residencelife@ycp.edu
Residence Life and Housing
Phone: 717.815.1281
Email: residencelife@ycp.edu
York County Victim/Witness Program
Phone: 717.771.9600, ext 314 or ext 335
Toll-Free: 1.800.326.8262, ext 314 or ext 335
Phone: 717.846.5400
Toll-Free: 1.800.262.8444
SAFE HOME - Hanover
Phone: 717.632.0007
Protection from Abuse (PFA) Office
Phone: 717.771.9662
YWCA Victim Services Center
Phone: 717.845.3131
Toll-Free: 1.800.422.3204
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Phone: 717.657.3911
York County Children, Youth and Families
Phone: 717.771.9869
Toll-Free: 1.800.729.9227
York County Area Agency on Aging
Phone: 717.771.9610
Toll-Free: 1.800.632.9227
District Attorney's Office
Phone: 717.771.9600, ext 314
Contact Campus Safety
Campus Safety Office
Manor Northeast, Lobby (Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Phone: 717.815.1403
Email: campussafety@ycp.edu
Campus Information Center
Iosue Student Union, Room 201 (Mon. - Sun., 8 a.m. - 12 a.m.)
Phone: 717.815.1314 (or Press 0 from any on-campus phone)
Emergencies and After Hours
Call 911 for local police, EMS, or fire department.
Call 717.815.1314 for Campus Police.