A footbridge crosses the Tyler Run Creek. Trees surrounding the area are red with fall foliage.


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This page has been created to fulfill York College's compliance with the disclosure requirements under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA). 

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Select Accredited Program Facts

The Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org. The Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org. ABET asks accredited programs to publicly post information about enrollment and graduation.

Enrollment by Program (Fall 2022)

This is the total enrollment (all class years, full-time, and part-time) from the Fall 2022 official student census data.

  • Civil Engineering: 93
  • Computer Engineering: 34
  • Computer Science: 83
  • Electrical Engineering: 44
  • Mechanical Engineering: 170

Number of Degrees Conferred

This shows the number of degrees conferred for each program between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. For York College, this includes degrees conferred in August 2021, December 2021, and May 2022.

  • Civil Engineering: 20
  • Computer Engineering: 4
  • Computer Science: 12
  • Electrical Engineering: 7
  • Mechanical Engineering: 44

Many of the Graham School of Business programs are accredited by Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and they ask member institutions to publicly post information about student outcomes. Here are some indicators we consider important.

Retention Rates of Recent Entering Cohorts

Retention rates look at the percentage of full-time, first-time, Bachelor's degree-seeking undergraduates who enter in one fall semester and are still enrolled at the college during the next fall semester. Here are the rates for students whose most recent major on record was in the Graham School of Business and an ACBSP accredited program:

  • Fall of 2022 entering cohort: 77% retention
  • Fall of 2021 entering cohort: 81% retention
  • Fall of 2020 entering cohort: 78% retention
  • Fall of 2019 entering cohort: 75% retention
  • Fall of 2018 entering cohort: 78% retention

Time to Degree of Recent Graduates

Time to Degree looks at how long it took Graham School of Business graduates to achieve their bachelor's degrees.  For degree recipients in the past few years, here is how much time passed between the student's first semester at York College and the semester when they received their degree. These calculations include students whose cohort major on record was in the Graham School of Business and an ACBSP-accredited program, and who came to York College as bachelor's degree-seeking, first-time (not transfer), full-time, first-year (total credits less than 30), undergraduate students. 

*Note: This is NOT the same as a graduation rate or completion rate as those terms are typically used in higher education.

  • For students who received their degrees during the 2023-24 academic year:
    • 94% took 4 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 98% took 5 years or less to complete their degrees
  • For students who received their degrees during the 2022-23 academic year:
    • 91% took 4 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 97% took 5 years or less to complete their degrees
  • For students who received their degrees during the 2021-22 academic year:
    • 87% took 4 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 95% took 4.5 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 99% took 5 years or less to complete their degrees
  • For students who received their degrees during the 2020-21 academic year:
    • 87% took 4 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 99% took 4.5 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 100% took 5 years or less to complete their degrees
  • For students who received their degrees during the 2019-20 academic year:
    • 76% took 4 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 86% took 4.5 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 95% took 5 years or less to complete their degrees
  • For students who received their degrees during the 2018-19 academic year:
    • 60% took 4 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 86% took 4.5 years or less to complete their degrees
    • 96% took 5 years or less to complete their degrees

Program Accreditations

Most academic programs in the Graham School of Business (GSB) at York College are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP):

  • Accounting
  • Applied Economics
  • Business Administration (A.S. & B.S.)
  • Business Analytics
  • Engineering Management
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Finance
  • General Business
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information Technology Management
  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Leadership and Management
  • Marketing
  • Sport Management
  • Supply Chain Operations Management
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Accounting

The Sport Management major is also accredited by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA).

Learn More About Business Program Accreditations