Information Technology Accessibility

York College of Pennsylvania is committed to ensuring equal access to information, programs, and activities through its information technologies—web pages, web-based applications, operating system-based applications, online instructional content, services, and resources—for all users regardless of technology or ability.

YCP seeks to ensure that its information technologies comply with applicable regulations governing accessibility and usability as defined by Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities. To meet these standards, YCP has adopted policies to govern the creation, procurement, and management of information technology resources; please see below for details.

The majority of pages on the YCP website are available in HTML format that can be read aloud by screen readers. PDF format is used to preserve the content and layout of documents. Publications in PDF format can be viewed and printed by Internet browsers with built-in PDF capability or with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download and get help using the Adobe Acrobat Reader (free of charge) at the Adobe Systems, Inc. website. The latest version of Adobe Acrobat includes built-in "Read out loud" capability under the View menu. Further information on Adobe Accessibility features is available at the Adobe Accessibility website.

YCP welcomes questions, comments, and suggestions on ways to improve website accessibility. Please use the Feedback form to let us know. Persons who may need additional assistance in accessing information from YCP should call the Student Accessibility Services department at 717.815.1785 or email us at When requesting assistance via e-mail, please write "Accessibility" on the subject line and include in the message a description of your accessibility concern, the format in which you prefer to receive the materials, the web page address of the requested material, and the best way to contact you. Every reasonable attempt shall be made to ensure equitable access to YCP resources.

Please note that some pages on YCP websites contain links to third-party websites, which are not within the academic control of YCP and may not comply with accessibility standards. YCP is not responsible for the content or accessibility of these third-party sites.

York College Information Technology Accessibility Policy

York College of Pennsylvania (YCP) is committed to ensuring equal access to information, programs, and activities through its information technologies - web pages, web-based applications, operating system-based applications, online instructional content, services, and resources - for all users regardless of technology or ability.

When improvements to accessibility are requested, the accommodation request will be resolved as soon as possible or an equally effective alternative shall be provided.   Equally effective means that it communicates the same information promptly and appropriately as does the Web page or resource.

If it would pose an undue burden to attain compliance, such as with legacy web, print or media resources that cannot be updated, every effort will be made to provide information and data to individuals with disabilities through an alternative means of access that can be used by the individuals. 

This policy is issued by the Information Technology Accessibility (ITA) Team. The team is composed of representatives of the Library and Technology Services and the Student Accessibility Services departments. The team is responsible for ensuring that YCP adheres to this policy regarding accessibility for information technology resources. The team also provides guidance regarding issues related to accessibility to foster understanding, and may issue exception reports of information technology resources found not in compliance with this policy.  

If discovered, non-compliant portions of media and resources will be brought into compliance by designated staff or contractors, unless attaining compliance would pose an undue burden on YCP. In that case, every effort will be made to provide an alternative format of the non-compliant resource.

All information technology content provided by YCP must be in compliance with Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and meet level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, as determined by assessment tools such as Siteimprove or as evidenced by (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) VPAT documents, or a plan to attain such compliance must be documented, unless attaining compliance would impose an undue burden.

Web Resources

What constitutes a web page or other web resource is to be interpreted broadly, and for example, does not depend upon the type of client or host device, the type of software on the client or host devices, or the technical means by which the client and host communicate over the web. This category includes all academic and administrative applications purchased or licensed by YCP and all resources saved in archived status (e.g. no longer in use but subject to records retention plans).

Classroom Materials

All documents and materials created by the professor for the class must be created in an accessible format. This includes syllabi, worksheets, handouts, presentations, charts, tables, spreadsheets, etc. Any electronic supplements to required textbooks must also be accessible.


All media resources purchased or licensed beginning fall semester 2017 must be captioned. All new instructional, informational, marketing, and promotional audiovisual materials produced by this institution will be produced with captions to ensure all subsequent copies will be captioned.


All software installed and maintained on YCP-owned machines.

Faculty and Academic Departments

  • Will show only captioned media in the classroom and will assign only captioned media as a course requirement. If a live online event that does not provide accessible alternative content is spontaneously available and is presented in the classroom, the instructor will make every effort to provide an alternative format of the content on request.
  • Faculty utilizing media from their own personal or departmental collections (original or commercial productions) are responsible for ensuring it is captioned. In the case of commercially produced videos, appropriate public performance rights and licenses must be available for viewing at the College.
  • Faculty requesting the installation of generally publicly licensed software to be used as a course requirement must make every effort to provide an alternative format of the software, if possible, upon request.
  • Assistance with meeting these needs will be available through Library and Technology Services.

Library and Technology Services

  • Will advise and assist faculty in instructional design of accessible course content.
  • Will assist users in obtaining accessibility support for third party electronic resources.
  • Will assist faculty in confirming accessibility of materials prior to purchase and/or classroom use.
  • Will review purchases of new media, software, and electronic resources to ensure accessibility compliance.
  • Will maintain a permanent collection of accessible electronic texts and media resources that are available for faculty, staff, and student use.
  • Will secure all current VPAT documents for software installed and maintained on YCP-owned machines.
  • Will pursue permissions and maintain records for captioning and the digitization of legacy copyrighted resources.

Student Accessibility Services

  • Will work with faculty and LTS to resolve unique or one-time needs of individual students on a case by case basis.


  • While YCP will make every effort to provide accessible information resources, it remains the student’s responsibility to make faculty, Library and Technology Services, or Student Accessibility Services aware when an information resource is not accessible and an accommodation is needed to make use of the resource.

Administrative Offices and Employees

  • Job-specific accessibility needs of individual employees will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by supervisors in consultation with Library and Technology Services and the Director of Student Accessibility Services.

More information about accessibility and accessible technologies is available through York College's Office of Student Accessibility Services.

Visit Student Accessibility Services

Library and Technology Services Staff

View All Staff
Ilya Yakovlev
Ilya Yakovlev, Ph.D.
Chief Information Officer
Library and Technology Services
Trenton Bankert
Trenton Bankert
Director, Information Literacy
Library and Technology Services
Anthony Barton
Anthony Barton
Network Security Engineer
Library and Technology Services
Drew Carter
Drew Carter
Library and Technology Services