- Hi, my name is Yenifer Castillo, and I'll be taking you on a tour of our first year living areas. Let's get started. Here we are outside of Penn Hall. The rooms in Penn feature ample storage and space provided by the built-in desk, cabinets, and closet space. Additionally, each room is equipped with a bed, desk, chair, and full-length mirror. Featuring a symmetrical design, each roommate has equal space on each side of the room. While our rooms are adequately sized, we recommend communicating with your roommate to ensure you don't end up with two of everything. Next on our tour is the Manor Complex. It's comprised of five buildings, Manor North, South, East, West, and Northeast. This complex houses approximately 450 first year students. A typical room in one of the Manor comes standard with a free-standing dresser, desk, wardrobe, and bed for each student. Rooms' shapes and sizes vary within this complex and provide students with unique living spaces. These rooms have enough room for everything you need, but probably not everything you have. Rounding out our trip today is Northside Commons. It houses first year students and upperclassmen. In addition, Northside also features built-in closet areas and large windows. Also available for students are multiple study and lounge areas. For all of the living areas we covered today, microwave and refrigerator combinations are available to rent, and make the perfect addition to any residence hall room. Students also have unlimited access to laundry facilities in each of the buildings, and the machines are large capacity and high efficiency units. Each of the buildings we toured today can only be accessed via an electronic swipe system, and keys are used to get into the individual rooms. Additionally, students are assisted by live-in residence life staff, including resident assistants and area coordinators. For more information, please visit YCP.edu/ResLife.