{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2580 \cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww11520\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 - The most unique thing about our school \ is that it incorporates arts, communication, \ and global studies. \ hat's not something that \ you see all the time, \ but it is so important to the study \ of how we communicate.\ \ - We have a lot of diverse, \ interdisciplinary perspectives. \ A lot of the classes we offer \ can supplement other majors\ in the school and vice versa. \ \ - And in the creative writing class, \ engineers over here and chemists over here \ and illustrators over here.\ It just added such a great \ dimension to the class. \ \ - When they go out into the workforce, \ hey have multiple perspectives \ and they also are able \ to talk about these multiple perspectives \ with sensitivity and responsibility. \ \ - We have the opportunity \ to give students the tools \ to look at this world, to examine it, \ to ask questions, and to \ come up with solutions. \ College is the one time \ when we get to play, \ when we get to experiment. \ Try being in a play.\ Try playing an instrument. \ Try doing ceramics. \ \ - So I would never teach a class, I think, \ where they didn't make a lot of stuff \ because if not, I mean, the \ internet already exists. \ They need some place \ to explore and develop, \ and so if I could create \ a space for the students \ to learn things they want to learn, \ get kind of ready for the world \ and whatever I can do for \ them, I think that's great. \ \ - But the core of York's mission \ is this experiential model. \ \ - We have some really amazing resources \ that help our students take advantage \ of the hands-on aspect of our major. \ \ - [Andrew] This is top quality equipment \ that students can learn on. \ They can go out into the job market \ and go, "oh yeah, I know how to do that." \ \ - The studios here, it's a creative space. \ Being surrounded by other \ students that are working, \ I don't think I would be able \ to take it to the next level \ without having other students \ and professors look at my work. \ So having multiple set of eyes \ and critiques arranged within a classroom \ has been probably one of \ the most beneficial aspects \ of this program. \ \ - You have class sizes \ that are smaller than 20, \ so you get to know everyone in your class. \ Professors actually know your \ name, which is really nice. \ \ - In my creative writing classes, \ sometimes I have 10 students, 15. \ It's great that I get to, like, \ work with students one-on-one \ on their poems and short stories. \ \ - Professors really have \ close working relationships \ with the students. \ We get to know them really well. \ \ - It's small enough to be a community, \ small enough where people \ can really get to know folks, \ but it's a big enough school \ that you can find people \ and groups that resonate with you. \ \ - Just a great community. \ You'll see everyone on campus. \ You'll have a chance to talk to them, \ eat with them in the dining hall. \ \ - The community is \ definitely my favorite part. \ Getting to know all these people \ and all their experiences, \ but also sort of having this, \ like, shared experience. \ \ - We're not just serving \ the campus community, \ but we serve our larger community \ with what we do, with our \ art, our music, our theatre. \ \ - [Andrew] Work with local \ community members is key \ because that helps us \ turn our focus outward. \ \ - I am figuring out studying abroad. \ We have a seamless kind of \ transition between courses. \ Hopefully next spring, I'll be there, \ surrounded by the Italian \ culture and art and architecture \ and everything that Europe has to offer. \ \ - [Jalil] One of my favorite things \ is just the different types \ of classes I can take, \ just learning so many different skills \ and all the different opportunities \ to use what I've learned. \ \ - [Mackenzie] The history major, \ you get a lot of room for \ electives, which is really nice. \ Definitely it's opened up \ a lot of different avenues \ that I could go that I'm excited about. \ \ - [Jacqueline] The liberal arts give them \ that strong foundation for \ building lifelong learning \ and a professional career, \ regardless of what field \ they decide to go into. \ \ - [Andrew] We know that the job \ that students are training for now \ is gonna look very different in five years \ and in 10 years and in 15 years. \ And there's jobs that will \ be out there in 5, 10, 15 - \ that are not there yet. \ So how are we preparing students to pivot? \ \ So the liberal arts to me is just that. \ We prepare students to pivot. \ \ }